20.-22. May 2022 in Costa da Caparica

Welcoming by sisters you are invited to explore the magic of matriarchal energies and taste the gift of freedom. Recognizing the beauty of sisterhood you will be guided to get to know yourself better, practice authenticity and working with hidden parts of yourself. Together we will experience the magical potency of self-empowerment. This process will be supported by guided psycho-spiritual methods. The space will be hold by Sara, Mars, Grecia and Sophie

What to expect?

You will spend a whole weekend in the sacred circle of Sisterhood in order to learn how to untame your Inner Goddess. Surrounded by nature you will sleep 2 nights in a tent with the ocean so close that you will hear her lullabies. It’s gonna be a festival with only women with the same intention; to see you shining.

How to get to know yourself better than in the mirror of a sister eyes. How to learn better than out of the wisdom of a sister. How to feel safer than hold in the arms of sisters.

Find peace within the shadows, for there is deep magic there

With the permission of your faces and hearts, we will help you on your healing journey with all the possible skills and knowledge we can bring in. 

We are 4 Sisters for the wild, connected through the same intention of heal and empower the divine feminine.

On our joint weekend you will be able to express yourself as the goddess you will get to know. We will bloom synchronizing Mother Earth🌺✨


What does it mean?

“The inner goddess” we call your most authentic self. This beautiful individual flower is sometimes not allowed to bloom fully. Instead it is surrounded with different patterns and limitation you’ve been learning during your life. It can be an experience in the past as well as the environment you’re living, the traumata that has accumulated in your ancestral lineage – it can be all of this. 


We will show you with our whole heart, the best intention and knowledge how to unleash the goddess you’re holding back.


♡ Camping Ground with Access to Bathrooms ♡

♡ Vegan heartful Catering by Arte pra Cozinha ♡

♡ Warm Tea and healthy snacks to nourish the soul ♡

♡ Welcoming Cacao Ceremony ♡

♡ Guided transcendental Movement♡

♡ Guided Connection Exercises ♡

♡ Sound-healing Journey ♡

♡ Teachings From Matriachal Cultures ♡

♡ Craft Supplies + Creative Workshop ♡

♡ Get to Know your Yoni ♡

♡ Connecting with your sexual Energy ♡

♡ Movement and Embodiment Exercises ♡

♡ Sacred Menstrual Cycle Ceremony ♡

♡ Surrendering the (Camp-)Fire ♡

♡ Deep Breathing Exercise ♡

♡ Yoga Flow ♡

♡ Self-love practice ♡

♡ Connecting to your Senses Walk ♡

♡ Guided Meditation & Contemplation ♡

♡ Guided Dance ♡

♡ Express your Inner Goddess Fotoshooting ♡

3 days and 2 nights

♡ Our Full Presence And Support ♡


Do I need to believe in magic?

No, because you are already magic.

What you need to know

Friday 20th until Sunday 22th of May

♡ Arrival Friday at 4pm

♡ Leaving Sunday at 9pm

♡ Costa da Caparica

Food and accommodation will be provided.

Also for your physical well-being is taken care of. We will serve fresh heatful cooked food by by Arte pra Cozinha. Between the meals you will always have access to fruits, nuts and warm tea. The food will be vegetarian. On the whole event there will be no alcohol and drugs allowed. We will stay on a beautiful camping area surrounded by nature. That means you will sleep in a tent. Please take responsibility to bring you own, or organize to sleep in a sisters tent. Please let us know if you have any special requests or allergies.



For this Gathering we're asking for an exchange of 222€. This includes all costs. 


Special Offerings

👯♀ BRING A SISTER: If two women apply together you pay 400€ for 2! 👯♀

🌺 EARLY FLOWER     If you register until April 25, the you only pay 188€


Please mind that the that prepayment is necessary to confirm your participation, we will close the registration May 16 at midnight. As soon as you are registered you’ll receive detailed info.

Sign up for the Gathering here

Registration Open from April 1


This special gathering finalizes a 4 dates-event-series where we’ve been working with the so called dark feminine archetypes. Closing with THE DARK GODDESS and THE MEDICINE WOMAN. You don’t need to have any pre-experiences though.


Sara, Mars, Grecia & Sophie

I am Sara Medea,

dedicating my life to music, community and holistic women empowerment including political education.

As a graduated music psychologist and passionate New Age feminist, I’m combining technics from spiritual psychology as well as traditional indigenous knowledge from the Camino Rojo.

Please don't hesitate to contact me:


or see my projects:

I am Mars,

With the permission of your heart, I present myself to you as Mars Sarabia, daughter of the Earth. Honoring my ancestors of the red path and the four directions. The path of service and reconnection to the heart chose me. I firmly believe that magic lives in all of us, that we are all healers, and that we are all our own teacher, we have just forgotten, it's time to remember! I love sharing ceremonies and circles, working with grandfather fire, drumming, dance, cacao and other medicines. In this life I was born in Mexico and I love to travel to other lands, to meet the global tribe.

Astrology, therapeutic Tarot and energy healing are my gifts in individual sessions.





Personal IG: @valkyriatropical

I am Grecia,

Woman, Daughter and Sister. Air and Fire. Yoga teacher, cook and lover.

Im very humble to share my passion for self- growth, spirituality and female empowerment with you.

My purpose is to create a safe space for freedom and curiosity. A space for expansion where to be the most real version of yourself, honouring the beauty of your own existence.

+34 633615492

I am Sophie.

I am happiness, laughter, and positivity and sometimes I am tears. I am serenity, liveliness and sometimes I am doubt. I am a traveler - through countries, waters, woods, stories, colors, sounds, ideas, and emotions.

I am the little waterdrop sitting on the vein of a leaf, waiting to dance down the strunk. I am the dandelion seed whirling in the wind.

I am an Untamed Dance Facilitator, photographer & filmmaker.





Active Woman Circle